Mr. Brumund is a graduate of University of Miami School of Law and the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, where he received his Master of Professional Science degree and focused his studies on intersection of environmental law, science, and policy. Prior to joining the Firm, Mr. Brumund worked in the public interest environmental field where he advocated for the implementation of reasonable environmental policies and frequently worked with federal, state, and local government officials. In the public interest field, he worked to achieve policy goals that included promoting ecosystem protection and restoration, facilitating access to public records, and protecting water quality. In that role, he worked to prepare and submit technical comments in response to proposed federal and state agency actions that would impact sensitive marine and terrestrial ecosystems such as changes to the allowable concentrations of toxic substances in state waters, plans to dredge near Florida’s sensitive and economically important coral reef tract, and the use of certain chemicals near designated critical habitats for endangered species. Before joining the Firm, he also led a long-term project that tracked Clean Water Act stormwater regulatory compliance in Miami-Dade County to identify opportunities for pollution prevention in heavily industrial areas of the County. While in law school, Mr. Brumund also had the opportunity to publish an article in the American Bar Association’s publication, Natural Resources & Environment, that explored the challenges and successes of protecting Endangered Species Act-listed species in rapidly urbanizing areas like South Florida. He thoroughly enjoys practicing environmental law and the opportunities it provides to protect environmental resources while also encouraging sustainable economic development.